Saturday, September 4, 2010

Random Happenings

*Sigh* Hey everyone!!! Please forgive me for not blogging in SOO long! I have been so CRAZY busy this past month! Its highly unusual for me to be this busy and doing so much stuff! Especially since I had grown so used to being alone all the time and never going out anywhere for like a year since my old friends ditched me...

Anyways, so this past month has def been insane. Filled with lots of bad events, as well as some not so bad ones =)

Alot of things have also changed in certain ways this month too. My outlook on the world has changed (somewhat), but then again its always changing becuz my life is so insane and I never know what to think anymore becuz as soon as I'm 99% sure of something it completely falls apart and it turns out that REALLY its the complete opposite of what I thought!!! Is this confusing? I think I'm confusing you poor readers of my blog... sorry. I got carried away. Tee hee =D

One thing I've decided on (at least for now and most likely for quite a while) is that I'm not going to church anymore... You can say what you want and think what you want about me, but remember that you have NO right to judge or preach when you dont know what its like to be me. And thats all I'm gonna say for now...

On the up side I finally have good friends again!!! Which makes me incredibly happy and starting to feel like an actual normal social person again! Yay! I'm so glad that I was reunited with my two best friends from years ago Caitlin and Anne! Theyre so awesome and I love them!!! =D Also Christina: Idk WHAT I'd do without her! She is the most understanding person ever! I think she's also the person I've known in my life that "gets" me the most in ways that others cant. My other best friend Jessica has been a HUGE help to me this past year! Ive talked to her about everything and she never judges me! She is such a good supportive person and I'm so lucky to have her! And then of course there's my newest friend Lacey!!! Whom I have SO much fun with! She makes me giddy, hyper, spazzy, and I always have such a great time when I'm hanging out w/ her!!!

So thats def helped me alot lately and made me feel alot happier ;)

I really wish I had a laptop with wireless so that I could update my blog more often!! Ugh! It sucks... oh well... maybe someday.

OH! I'm also really excited about my vacation coming up in less than a month! EEeek! For the first week of October I am going on vaca with my sister Danielle! So excited!!!! I'll def be writing a blog about that once I go!

Well, thats all I can think of to write about for now... I'm sure I'll think of stuff as soon as I get off of here tho lol I shall try my VERY best to not wait another month before updated again!

Peace Out! =)