Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Iron Man takes on the Wasp

So, the other night I walked into my bedroom only to find to my complete dismay that there was a wasp the size of my thumb on the wall! And right above my bed too! I hate all bugs of course, and so I freaked out! I hate killing bugs as well, so I never do unless I'm the only one home and I have no choice.

I went out into the living room and whined to Danielle (my sister that I live with) that there was a wasp on the wall next to my bed. She looked at me with a blank stare for a moment before telling me to kill it. I freaked and said "No!" lol. I persistantly begged her to kill it since she tends to be able to handle killing bugs easier than me, even tho she hates bugs too.

Finally after begging and begging Danielle says, "Fine, if I kill it YOU have to clean it up!" I agreed. And so we headed into the bedroom, Danielle had her favorite bug killing shoe (a huge clog shoe was a 4 inch heel!) in her hand.

As soon as she sees the wasp, of course, she goes into a panic and starts whining just like I was doing before. I fruitlessly tried to encourage her that "You can do it!!! Be tough!" Finally she says "Alright, I need to get pumped! I need some badass background music." I looked at her confused for a moment, and then inspiration took over me. I started singing (in a rather high pitched voice) "It's the eye of the tiger!!!" but then Danielle hastily cut me off and says "No no no! I need like something tough!"

I watched her while furrowing my brow as she went into the living room to retrieve her cell phone and then proceed to put on some music. She comes back into the room and plays the Theme song from the movie, 'Iron Man'

Danielle then grabs her weapon (the shoe) and begins to shrug up her shoulders into a fight position and starts strutting her way over to the wasp, mean while the Iron Man song is blasting in the background.

I started laughing uncontrolably! It was hysterical and I wish I had gotten it on video, (but she said she would murder me if I did so... oh well *sigh*) Then she went up to the wasp and smashed it into oblivian!!! Muwhahahahahhaaa!!!!

But then I had to clean up its mangled body parts *frown* yucky!

And that was my adventure of the week!!!

- Noelle

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