Helllloooo everybody!!! Did ya miss me? I know its been a while since I've posted. Heehee. Anyways... So I have a new addiction... dun dun dun!!! It's Ice Hockey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!!!!! =D
I started getting interested in it last winter when my friend talked to me about it. So I decided to watch a few games here and there to see if I thought it would be any good. And what do ya know? I liked it! So I started to become a fan. However it wasnt until recently that I started becoming obsessed. I kept watching games and looking up information and history on Hockey, and all the sudden it was like a poison being injected into my veins! I crossed over to the dark side!!!! Muwhahahahha!!!!!!!!!
I went to my first Hockey game last month on October 23rd with my friend Kelly. It was the Washington Capitals (my favorite team btw) vs. the Atlanta Thrashers. and I had a freakin BLAST!!!! All the energy and exctiement!!! It was exhilirating! I had a high from it for like the next 2 days! And I'm not even kidding.... It was epic ;)
I am like SUPER psyched because Kelly and I are going to another Caps game in December against the Pittsburgh Penguins. I can hardly wait! I think I'm going to pass out from excitment when the day finally comes! LOL. So it's safe to say that from now on I will be Rocking the Red ;D
So, anyways, I've been having lots of fun with that. Other than this, not much going on lately. Same old same old. Looking for full time work. Pretty much adapted to my new living arrangements which is good. So yeah... things are pretty decent at the moment. Well all for now. Ttyl
- Noelle
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