Sunday, August 15, 2010
Pimpin' My Blog
anxiety, saddness or depression, anger, irritability, mental confusion,
low sense of self-worth, behavioral symptoms such as phobic avoidance,
viligance, impulsive and compulsive acts, lethargy, cognitive problems
such as unpleasant or disturbing thoughts, repetition of thoughts and
obsession, habitual fantasizing, negativity and cynicism, aggressivness,
perfectionism, schizoid isolation, etc.
Yeah... pretty much alot of that relates to me, but of course not all of it, and some of the symptoms I have are very minor. Anyways, I like the title of my new blog and I hope everyone else does too!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
My Temperament
The melancholic-choleric is also a leader with the potential to accomplish great works. However, where the choleric-melancholic is driven by the challenge and the opportunity, the melancholic-choleric is inspired more by the nobility of the task. The introverted nature of the melancholic, combined with the focused and unempathic nature of the choleric, can result in an individual who is highly motivated by noble ideals (even humanitarian ones), but who prefers to work alone, rather than with people. The melancholic side of both temperament mixtures results in the project being organized, ethical, and high-minded, while the choleric aspect is the driving and demanding force.
If you are melancholic-choleric, you are somewhat less pragmatic (or utilitarian) than a pure choleric, just as persevering and determined, and with a greater emphasis on the ideal. Likely to be motivated by the most noble and demanding of causes, you are capable of founding a humanitarian society, composing a symphony, founding a school, or discovering a cure. You are organized, perfectionist, introspective, driven, and moody (though less so than a pure melancholic). You will be less active than a choleric-melancholic and less extraverted, more internally focused.
But your weaknesses include a tendency to excessive self-criticism and criticism of others, being dismissive or overly judgmental, exhibiting a tendency to self-absorption, and possessing an untrustful and controlling nature. You tend to be inflexible, can bear grudges for a long time and may be prone to discouragement. A melancholic-choleric who is not attentive to his spiritual life, and does not keep his eye assiduously on the truly important things of life can become a cross to those around him, through his nit-picking, perfectionism, disdain, bitterness, resentfulness, spitefulness when crossed, and even haughtiness.
Friday the 13th
While Friday the 13th is traditionally considered to be a day of bad luck and misfortune, I seem to always experience the opposite.
It seems that almost every Friday the 13th I experience is fun, enjoyable, and usually things seem to go my way. Which is quite a difference from my normal everyday life. Most of the time things go very badly for me, I don't have much good luck in this world. So, my theory is that the world decides to give me a break on Friday the 13th, and I actually have an exceptionally good day! Because almost every other day of the year for ME is like a Friday the 13th! LOL. So thats what I think!
Yesterday on Friday the 13th, this held true. I had a good day! I got to sleep in, I relaxed around the house. Then I hung out with my awesome friend Lacey! We watched a football game, and the team we were rooting for won! After that we went to the Alamo to see a movie together. So, I had lots of fun!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
The Storm
I am walking down a dark and dreary street, long forgotten by other passersby. I can feel the emptiness in the air promising me a place of solitude. The only companions I possess are the numerous trees surrounding me on both sides. They are lining the edges of the street, as if they are guards determined to protect this secret passage. All of the sudden a certain atmosphere takes over; the sky is becoming a threatening shade of gray, and the leaves of the many trees are turning upside down with the breeze. An immense thrill rushes through me, as the knowledge of what is about to come sinks in. I am about to witness a storm.
I continue walking, yet I slow my pace. The wind is beginning to pick up, and it sweeps through the street rustling the leaves of the trees, as if it is announcing the arrival of the storm. The clouds of gray are rolling towards me, growing thicker as they approach. They resemble powerful waves of the ocean, and seem equally as dangerous. I look up and see the clouds now completely covering every inch of the sky. A pleasant chill runs along my spine, while I gaze admiringly at the blanket of wild, swirling clouds above.
I stop abruptly in my tracks, with a sudden pang of eagerness, as I hear the first low grumblings of the storm. I see the first few rain drops splash to the ground at my feet. Then like the tears of a young girl sobbing over her lost love, the rain bursts forth from the clouds, pouring down a heavy sheet upon the dark and dreary street. I stand there and spread out my arms, as if I am welcoming the storm’s fury with a warm embrace.
I close my eyes, feeling the intensity of the unceasing rain, and hearing the angry groan of thunder. I open my eyes and they fill with the reflection of a flash of bold light, as it shocks the clouds with its vain presence. The lighting represents itself as the most powerful element of the storm, striking over and over again, as the thunder hastily roars in outraged disagreement. An important battle is taking place, while my insignificant figure, soaked to the bone, watches with increasing exuberance.
The storm is coming to an end now, and it lets out its last few cries. Like a child unwilling to give up his favorite toy, I savor every last detail, as the storm finally fades away. Again I begin walking along the dark and dreary street, which is now puddle-filled. Blankets of leaves have been laid upon the ground. I feel completely cleansed from the inside-out, as I continue walking, and a mysterious, satisfied smile dances onto my lips.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
You Find Out Who Your Friends Are
to bail you out when
you're in jail... A true
friend will be in the cell
sitting next to you
saying, "Shit, we fucked
That my devoted readers, is the definition of my good friends Caitlin and Anne!
Over the years Ive had good friends, bad friends, short term friends, and long term friends, but I've only ever had two TRUE friends! I've been stabbed in the back, slandered, ditched, gossiped about, and left in the dust by my old so called "friends" but Caitlin and Anne have been the complete opposite. Faithful, True, Kind, Caring, and always there for me!
Even when the 3 of us had a space of separation for 3 years!! They never once thought bad of me, or ignored me, or spoke ill of me. Now that shows some strong bonds of friendship if you ask me! ;)
So, I just wanted to give a shout out to them, tell them I love them, and let them know how truly happy and proud I am to have been lucky enough to be reunited!
- Noelle