Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friday the 13th

Friday The 13th... its a date that strikes fear into some people's hearts... while others simply yawn at the hype which surrounds it.

While Friday the 13th is traditionally considered to be a day of bad luck and misfortune, I seem to always experience the opposite.

It seems that almost every Friday the 13th I experience is fun, enjoyable, and usually things seem to go my way. Which is quite a difference from my normal everyday life. Most of the time things go very badly for me, I don't have much good luck in this world. So, my theory is that the world decides to give me a break on Friday the 13th, and I actually have an exceptionally good day! Because almost every other day of the year for ME is like a Friday the 13th! LOL. So thats what I think!

Yesterday on Friday the 13th, this held true. I had a good day! I got to sleep in, I relaxed around the house. Then I hung out with my awesome friend Lacey! We watched a football game, and the team we were rooting for won! After that we went to the Alamo to see a movie together. So, I had lots of fun!

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